Using Synergy, Trident Precision Manufacturing Maintains a 5 to 6 Sigma Level
Executive Summary: Trident Precision Manufacturing is a leading contract manufacturer who provides products and services to a global community. In a highly competitive and dynamic market, Trident’s customers demand products of the highest quality, consistently delivered in compliance with their schedules, in the most cost-effective manner.
Case Study | Case Studies, Culture of Quality, Manufacturing, Metal Components, Outcome, Resources, Role, Software, Synergy 2000

The Challenge
• Customer requirementThe Solution

The Results
- Consistently maintains a 5 Sigma Level
- Reduce internal rejects
- Diversify customer base
- Scrap reduction of 2%
The Details
“What I really liked about Zontec is that the more I asked questions, they asked questions back. They didn’t assume that they knew our business. They took the time to evaluate if the product was a good fit,” said April Lusk, Director of Quality for Trident Precision Manufacturing. “I was looking for a company that would stay ahead of my customers.”
“We selected Zontec because they were one step ahead of where our customers were going. We thought the Synergy software would be a very user-friendly package and that Zontec was willing to develop a relationship with a company of Trident’s size.”
–April Lusk, Director of Quality for Trident Precision Manufacturing
Trident Precision Manufacturing is an electromechanical assembly house that provides sheet metal, turnings, and machining to its customers. Trident was a recipient of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1996. “We are a house that consistently performs at a 5 Sigma Level or better,” said Lusk. “Since implementing Synergy we’ve been able to maintain that and reduce internal rejects in the process.”
Before Trident purchased the Synergy Statistical Process Control (SPC) software, they were using another statistical software package, but it could not perform the analysis and documentation Trident’s customers were demanding. “We were also moving into aerospace as well with tighter regulation,” added Lusk. “From an internal process perspective, we wanted data readily accessible to the folks on the shop floor.”
Trident thoroughly researched six vendors. Why did Trident pick Synergy SPC software? “We selected Zontec because they were one step ahead of where our customers were going,” explained Lusk. “We thought the Synergy software would be a very user-friendly package and that Zontec was willing to develop a relationship with a company of Trident’s size.”
What features separate Synergy from its competitors? “We selected Synergy because of how user-friendly the software is at the operator level,” Lusk explained. “We also appreciate the vast variety of reporting Synergy provides. We like the email link in the system. Not only do we enjoy the ease that the data can be entered into the system, but also the software’s inherent security.”
Implementing Synergy has enabled Trident to achieve some key objectives. “Synergy has helped us to diversify our customer base into aerospace, medical, defense, communications and computer hardware,” Lusk remarked. “The software has served as a great training program for our employees. Synergy has helped us in process improvement: we have seen a scrap reduction of 2%.”
Using Synergy has resulted in increased communications within Trident. “Now that we have the analysis in a user friendly format, we are using Synergy as our communication tool. By viewing a capability chart, everyone can immediately tell how things are going,” Lusk said. “In addition, the workers on the shop floor have found it helpful to be able to create notes in the database for communications between shifts.”
Since implementing Synergy, Lusk has also seen closer ties develop with manufacturing. “As the head of quality, I think that Synergy has really helped the environment of quality and how it relates to manufacturing,” said Lusk.”Now, we are partnered with manufacturing. Quality and manufacturing are working together to make a better process. Now we are able to speak to the customer in the language they need through the data analysis package.”
Indeed using Synergy has enabled Trident to build stronger bonds with its customers. “We are now a house that provides analysis for customers,” said Lusk. “For example, one of my customers gives me a part (that I didn’t make) and I perform an inspection of the product for them. The Synergy reports are in a user-friendly format, and now that we can perform this service, it strengthens our relationship with the customer.”
Trident also enjoys being included in Synergy’s product development. “We are receiving excellent support from Zontec,” said Lusk. “Also, one of the things I really like is that we are able to provide feedback about what we need and often times our feedback will show up in the next release.”
Even Trident’s customers see the value of Synergy. “We had a customer in here last week. He wanted to make sure that he saw Synergy, the performance summary and the process capability reporting, because it is so important for his business,” commented Lusk.
“We selected Synergy because of how user-friendly the software is at the operator level. We also appreciate the vast variety of reporting Synergy provides. We like the email link in the system. Not only do we enjoy the ease that the data can be entered into the system, but also the software’s inherent security.”
— April Lusk
Director of Quality for Trident Precision Manufacturing