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SPC Software Guarantee


July 22, 2013 | Articles, Resources

Picture of a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.Zontec fully supports its Synergy SPC software. If within 30 days you are not pleased with the software, we will issue you a refund. Your investment continues to be protected as a service agreement customer. When you decide to upgrade, you will be credited the original purchase price towards the new Synergy product. Both the 30 day guarantee and our 100% Investment Retention program, applies to all of the products in the Synergy Product Suite:

Synergy 1000

For a smaller or a mid-size manufacturer, the Synergy 1000™ SPC software allows you to take the data you are already collecting, and utilize it in real-time in a standalone or network implementation. Synergy 1000 is SPC software that combines data collection, charting, monitoring, analysis, communication and reporting—all functions from a single screen. You can create files, enter data, create charts, query samples, and generate reports as fast as you can click a mouse. Synergy 1000 delivers blazing fast performance so your manufacturing team can instantly operate cooperatively making quality a proactive part of your business.

“Our expected Return on Investment (ROI) for purchasing Synergy 1000 was $16,000,” said Roth Gonzales of Sahale Snacks. “We met our expectations.”

Synergy 2000

From implementation in minutes, to one click chart navigation, to the instant company-wide notifications, Synergy customers know that Synergy 2000™ will present complex SPC information in a real-time, easy-to-use manner designed for multiple levels of users. One day implementation and training is the standard for Synergy 2000 customers, making the system trouble free for your IT department. Easy-to-navigate screens make data entry, whether automated or manual, simple and straightforward. As soon as the information is entered into the system, it can be displayed through numerous charts or reports, all instantly available by a simple click of the mouse.

“Now that we have the analysis in a user friendly format, we are using Synergy 2000 as our communication tool. By viewing a capability chart, everyone can immediately tell how things are going,” remarked April Lusk, of Trident Precision Manufacturing.

Synergy 3000

Synergy 3000™ is Zontec’s most advanced SPC software system developed using the Microsoft’s .NET™ computing platform. Featuring a Microsoft SQL Server® database engine, it is designed for global manufacturers who work with suppliers across the globe and want to utilize Windows networks, secure Web connections, and mobile devices in a cloud computing environment. Synergy 3000 is designed for high performance, fast-paced production environments, regardless of location, with its responsive data collection, charting, enterprise-wide monitoring and notification, query, lot traceability, analytical, reporting, Six Sigma problem-solving and decision-support capabilities.

“In 2012, we began to use the Web Operator and the Web Manager applications with our sister companies in China and Bulgaria as well as with our main suppliers. Since using Synergy 3000, we have reduced our scrap rate by 20%. We now know where we had waste in our process, realistic values to base our key performance indicators on, and how to improve our margins,” commented Fedele D’Alessandro, of LMPsrl.

Guaranteed to succeed, why not check out the Synergy Product Suite today?