What's New in Synergy Multi-function Toolbox Version 3.0
April 15, 2015 | Articles, News

As the trusted international developer of Statistical Process Control (SPC) software solutions, we are excited to announce an update to our Synergy 2000™ Multi-function Toolbox for the worldwide market. The Multi-function Toolbox is an easy to use utility program to automate data transfer into the Synergy 1000 or Synergy 2000 program.
Keyence users take special note! The chief upgrade included in Version 3.0 is the Keyence Interface Module. This module allows for automatic creation of Data Bank and associated Data Tables based upon measurement programs configured in the Keyence IM Series image dimension measurement system. Also added is specification of limits based upon tolerance settings or defined limits. Additionally, the module streamlines automated transfer of data with accompanying information through an output csv file that is configured in the Keyence software and makes possible scheduling continuous data transfer at defined time intervals.
Existing clients are excited about the improvements.
“The time savings we realize will allow more measurements per shift (or) day, better visual review of product, and eliminate manual data entry errors once implemented”, said Brian Kropp, Quality Control Manager at Fastco Industries, “…when implemented it will drastically decrease manual input for variable data recording.”
As always, the Multi-function Toolbox automatically collects the data in real-time and enables companies to seamlessly transfer legacy data from other applications or databases, integrate data from manufacturing applications such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Laboratory Management Systems (LIMS), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems as well as serve as a communication bridge between (Open Platform Connectivity) OPC servers and the Synergy 2000 OPC client.
“The transparency and convenience of data automation for the market continues to be critical,” said Zontec President Warren Ha. “A guiding principle in our ongoing development and flexible design is to ensure our clients unique needs are met with an adaptable solution.”
Other new features included in this release allow for improved and more versatile file formatting, handling, and organizing as well as wireless gaging interface enhancements that allow remote collection of data.
CSV/TXT/DAT File Format
- Selection for horizontal or vertical format.
- Define number of ID values and Notes the data file includes.
- Option to transfer all data files in specified file folder.
Wireless Gaging Interface
- Gage interface that does not require a direct connection to a PC.
- Automate data input from multiple gages across the shop floor.
- Associate each gage with the specific characteristic being monitored
- Reduce the number of user licenses required
The new version is available for a one-time cost and is scheduled to be available in early May.
Ready to talk about SPC for your business? Contact Us!